Locate an article that utilized Goodness of fit test to study observed traits about a population.Comment on the statistical test used, did the authors consider or use other statistical tests in addition to Goodness of fit? If so how do the results compare?


locate an article that utilized Goodness of fit test to study observed traits about a population.

Write a short (approximately 3 pages) summary of the article.

APA style is used for all written assignments.

Indicate the parameters of interest.

Identify and comment on the size, and suitability of the sample.

Comment on the statistical test used, did the authors consider or use other statistical tests in addition to Goodness of fit? If so how do the results compare?

What were the conclusions of the article?

Were there any statistical issues (methods, approaches, etc.) that you found insightful, questionable, surprising, confusing, and/or groundbreaking? Why?