Write about a volcanologist setting up equipment near a volcano to try and predict when it will erupt, or watching an active eruption, or sampling lava, etc.


There are many jobs within the field of geology, which itself is part of a broader field of the Geosciences.

There are numerous fields of study listed either directly or indirectly, including: mineralogy, petrology (rocks), volcanology, seismology (earthquakes), hydrology (streams, rivers, lakes), hydrogeology (groundwater), glaciologists, coastal geologists, and paleontologists (study fossils and historical geology), among many others.


Please select a single field of study that catches your interest and dive deeper to become aquatinted with a typical job description. In other words, investigate what these people do, where they do it, and appreciate as many details as possible and examples of what these jobs are all about and where one might be working if engaged in this type of work.

Now comes the fun part. I want you to imagine that you are that geoscientist and write about an experience you had doing your job. This should be in your own words, so do not copy and paste a job description from somewhere else. Please have fun with this and use your imagination.

There is really no wrong answer, as this is a “day in the life”, so focus on what these scientists might do or see or think. For example, you could write about a volcanologist setting up equipment near a volcano to try and predict when it will erupt, or watching an active eruption, or sampling lava, etc. Again, research a few fields of study or jobs to get a good feel for the job, and then imagine YOU are on the job, and write about your experience on the job.

Observe a 300-word minimum with adequate length and detail for each response. Include credits (links) to the resources you used for information and any images you used for this writing.