Write a paper that addresses cyber crime law in revenge pornography. Make sure to examine state, federal, and international law that seeks to reduce this type of criminal behavior. How do these laws allow police to conduct investigations? To what extent are these laws able to control cybercrime and how likely will the criminal justice system, in general, be at reducing this type of cybercrime?

The strength of your paper is assessed in terms of both the logic of your position and how well your points are supported by reference to data and the literature.

For people not knowing how to begin, the five-paragraph essay format is often especially appropriate. In this format, you develop an essay of five paragraphs. The first is an introduction that tells the reader what you will cover and defines key terms. The second through fourth provide support for the position announced in the first, and the last is a summary and restatement of the position.

Direct quotes are not appropriate for this assignment. Paraphrased ideas or citing general support can be noted by simply identifying the source (e.g., Yar and Steinmetz). Specificity is valued, so if you rely on a work that appears in the book, try to cite the specific author(s), rather than the author of the book (for example, Reynes, or Reynes in Yar and Steinmetz).

Please keep in mind the following points:
1. The papers are to be double-spaced with Times New Roman 12-point font and 1-inch margins.
2. Your essay should be no less than 3 full pages.

Write a paper that addresses cyber crime law in revenge pornography. Make sure to examine state, federal, and international law that seeks to reduce this type of criminal behavior.
How do these laws allow police to conduct investigations? To what extent are these laws able to control cybercrime and how likely will the criminal justice system, in general, be at reducing this type of cybercrime?