Evaluate how the financial markets work to allocate capital within a domestic economy and internationally for trade, investment, and development purposes.Using an economy of your choice critically evaluate what are the key challenges that country faces due to industrialisation and trade policies?


You are tasked with writing a comprehensive report on the following: Finance is considered as the life blood or the engine of growth for international trade and development. a. Evaluate how the financial markets work to allocate capital within a domestic economy and internationally for trade, investment, and development purposes. b. Using an economy of your choice critically evaluate what are the key challenges that country faces due to industrialisation and trade policies? Content Template: 1. Title and Content Pages 2. Executive Summary 3. Background of Financial Markets 4. Capital Allocation within Domestic Economy 5. Capital Allocation within International M arkets 6. Evaluation of an Economy of your choice 7. Critical Evaluation of Challenges that the country faces due to Industrialisation and Trade Policies. 8. Conclusion 9. Recommendations This is an academic piece of work, you are expected to conduct extensive up-to-date research, critically evaluating the content, and appropriately referencing the sources of information used. The report should be 3,000 words +/- 10% (excluding appendices). Weighting: 100%