Reflect on what you’ve learned this week from the required readings in relation to your experience / practice.

Journal entry: reflect on what you’ve learned this week from the required readings in relation to your experience / practice.


Reid, Parsons & Green (2012)
Chapters 3 & 4
Ducharme, J. M., & Feldman, M. A. (1992). Comparison of staff training strategies to promote generalized teaching skills. Journal of applied behavior analysis, 25(1), 165-79.
Nabeyama, B., & Sturmey, P. (2010). Using behavioral skills training to promote safe and correct staff guarding and ambulation distance of students with multiple physical disabilities. Journal of applied behavior analysis, 43(2), 341-5.
Petscher, E. S., & Bailey, J. S. (2006). Effects of training, prompting, and self-monitoring on staff behavior in a classroom for students with disabilities. Journal of applied behavior analysis, 39(2), 215-26.
ABA Inside Track Podcast
Episode 39- (SUPERVISION) Supervisor’s Book Club, pt 2