Brief outline of the prospective research proposal for an original study related to an area of health research interest.

Description Outline for research proposal
Format: 2 pages prepare a mock research study 2 pages, prepare a brief outline of the prospective research proposal for an original study related to an area of health research interest. the final proposal should read as if an actual proposal being submitted to an ethics review board. review the expectations for the final research proposal assignment. the instructor will provide feedback to ensure you are on the right Completed research material work on this material topic research Proposal: depression amongst newcomer youth 12-17 living in NIA neighbourhoods etobicoke, nationale

– Newcomer youth disportionately impacted by bullying, isolation etc.
– How do we shape community spaces to better receive and support the integration of newcomer youth.
– Communities they live in are already under resourced, adds to experience literature review:

– studies linking depression and newcomer youth
– studies about their integration experiences etc.research question:

– How does the immigration process contribute to the development of depression in newcomer youth living in NIA neighbourhoods?research design:

– Sample, methodology, data Collection methods to be determined Special considerations:

– Recalling experience may evoke trauma responses.

– Lack of trust, rapport

– Consent from parents limitations:

– Language barriers appendices:

– Sample Calculator

– Map of NIA