Briefly discuss what was happening in american history at the time this singer/songwriter was composing this music

Folk Music

Purpose: To discover the meanings and sounds of a musical genre known as Folk Music.For our use, we will use the following working definitions of Folk Music:

1. Music that arises principally in rural areas and is passed down by oral tradition, is performed mainly by amateur musicians, is widely known at all levels of society, and is usually regarded as typical of a nation or ethnic group. Students of folk music must study popular music also because it draws material from folk music, transmits it back to folk groups, and contributes material to the oral tradition. — David Evans, Big Road Blues, 1983.

2. Music written by specific songwriters that suggests folk music in its mode of performance, instrumentation, subject matter, or tonal and rhythmic style. The straightforward songwriting of contemporary coffeehouse folk music.  RichieUnter berger, Music USA, 1999.Choose one singer-songwriter from the list above. If you wish to go “off list”, you must clear this with your instructor before completing the assignment. Put your name in parentheses next to the singer-songwriter’s name.
Provide a short biography of the singer-songwriter. Include date of birth, the style of music he/she was most well known for + provide a synopsis of their contributions to folk music.
Research one culturally significant song written and/or performed by the artist. Study the lyrics carefully. You must choose a piece of music that comments on happenings in American culture or history. This is a critical component in the genre of Folk Music. Provide a functioning hyperlink for the song in your submission.
Clarification example: “both sides now” is a wonderful song composed by folk artist Joni mitchell However, the lyrics do not reflect what was happening in American culture at the time. Rather, it is simply a song about love. Therefore, this piece is not an appropriate example for this assignment.Briefly discuss what was happening in American history at the time this singer/songwriter was composing this music.
How does the song you chose reflect the definitions of folk music? Explain.
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