Outlines how your literature review assessment will be executed.

A literature review is a very important tool that helps you to organize the research that has been done on a subject or problem that you may be experiencing.While you may not do a formal written review for every problem you address, the formal written review is a good tool for future reference to remind you of what you have learned about solving a particular problem in your professional capacity.
Your literature review will be 8 – 10 pages in length. This means that it should be no less than 8 pages and no more than 10 pages. You should use a Cover page and References page which are not counted in your page length requirement. Endnotes, footnotes, and headers do not count for page length and may cause you to fall short if not accounted for.
You should have a minimum of 15 academic sources cited in your references.
You will choose from one of the following subspecialties, as identified as the classic subspecialties by Guy and Rubi to focus your literature review:
Budgeting – Human Resource Management – Public Finance – Planning – Ethics – Leadership
You will also need to rely upon traditional Public Administration scholarly journals that include Public Administration Review and Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.
Your review should be structured with an introduction that explicitly tells your reader what you are doing. Next you should provide an understanding of the areas of public administration. Then you will transition to the area of interest for the literature review.
Your syllabus clearly outlines how your literature review assessment will be executed. It is very important that you review the grading rubric to understand what is expected.