what you consider unethical behavior by a researcher.


Using “The Belmont Report”  respond to the following questions.
1. How does The Belmont Report distinguish between “practice” and “research”? Do you think the line is clear-cut?
2. What three main ethical principles are delineated in The Belmont Report? Please give a summary of each of them. Please address any exceptions or nuances in them. What should a researcher do to assure he/she/they has not violated an ethic?
3. Please summarize the three main “applications” discussed in The Belmont Report. Consider how they apply in a study. What should a researcher do to assure he/she/they has not violated an application?
4. Consider that you either have been asked to participate in a study that you think is unethical, or you observe what you consider unethical behavior by a researcher. What do you think you would do? Imagine that you are in the position of being a Registered Nurse, and it is a physician on the unit who is the researcher. What are your responsibilities? And to whom? Formatting Directions-4-5 pages in length
-12 point font, double spaced -Include title and reference you should provide a reference and citation for “The Belmont Report” itself, as well as any sources to used discuss the ethics. Additional references are strictly optional.