Give types of assumptions required for the financial portion of a business plan


Answer all of the following questions using the attached business plan and any other references you consider to be appropriate.Types of assumptions required for the financial portion of a business plan typically answers to the following questions: Typical Income Statement Assumption Information Requirements:

• What types of revenue?

• How many services will be offered to produce the revenue?

• How much labor will be required?

• What will the labor cost?

• How many and what type of supplies, drugs, and/or devices will be required to offer the service?

• What will the supplies, drugs, and/or devices cost?

• How much space will be required?

• What will the required space occupancy cost?

• Is special equipment required?

• If so, how much will it cost?

• Is staff training required to use the special equipment?

• If so, how much time is required, and what will it cost?