How the international community is handling the global pandemic of coronavirus

International Relations.Before you begin this assignment, please review the course materials from the first three weeks of class with a special focus on the three mainstream theoretical perspectives: realism, liberalism, and constructivism. Please pay particular attention to the definition of each and avoid pairing them with domestic perceptions of conservatives, liberals, etc.also recommend reviewing the week 2 forum.For this assignment, you will choose a world event from the list below. Identify the main individuals, states, and non-state actors involved. Then decide which theory would best explain the event, and explain your choice. Be sure to define the theory and any other terms you use. Your response should be 1-2 pages, double spaced. Make sure that your introduction includes a thesis statement that explicitly states the purpose/argument of your paper and the theoretical lens.The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action the Arab Spring brexit, the drawn-out British move to leave the European Union
The Paris Agreement and/or the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement
How the international community is handling the global pandemic of coronavirus
Absolutely no quoting! Paraphrase the information and then cite the source from where the information came.