Compare and contrast financial and managerial accounting.

Compare and contrast financial and managerial accounting
Write a 750 – 1250 word paper on the following topic:Compare and contrast financial and managerial accounting. Provide one specific, real-life example of how either financial accounting helps external stakeholders make informed decisions or how managerial accounting helps managers to improve operational and financial performance.

Your paper must be formatted according to APA 6th edition guidelines, and you need to use at least three external references. Save your file as “LastnameFirstinitial-ACCT105-8.”

Your paper will be evaluated according to the Writing Assignment Grading shown below. To maximize your grade, be sure to use the proper organization and follow APA style. Your paper should have a title page and reference page, but you do not need an abstract for this assignment. See the PowerPoint presentation attached for APA assistance.Guidelines Writing Assignment Grading Criteria Content (60%)
Response demonstrates a clear understanding of the key elements of assignment questions
Response thoroughly covers the elements in a substantive manner.
Response demonstrates critical thinking and analysis.
Content is complete and accurate.
Introduction and conclusion provide adequate information on the given topic.Organization (20%)
Paper structure is clear and easy to follow.
Ideas flow in a logical sequence.
Introduction provides a sound introduction to the topic and previews major points.
Paragraph transitions are logical and support the flow of thought throughout the paper.The conclusion thoroughly reviews the major points.Writing Style, Grammar, APA Format (20%)Sentences are well constructed, complete, clear, and concise.
Words used are specific and unambiguous.The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct.