What do you think about this part of his process-Does it link to any of the readings in the course?

The Writer’s Creative Process

This paragraph seems to only contain summary — make sure to focus on analysis throughout the essay. What do you think about this part of his process? Would it be helpful to you? Does it link to any of the readings in the course?

Paragraph 4 that starts with “Grisham’s creative process”
Comment from professor:
Same here — focus a little more on analysis than on the summary.

Paragraph 6 that starts with “Grisham’s process highlights”
Comment from professor:
The paragraphs on this page are excellent! Consider incorporating your analysis throughout the paragraphs on the last page, rather than separating them into summary paragraphs and analysis paragraphs.

The areas that need revision are on papers one, two, and three if this description is confusing.

Overall, my professor says “Samantha, you have a great start on this analysis! You chose a creator and have learned more about his creative process, you analyze that process, and you also incorporate the readings from the course. You might consider changing the organization a bit and perhaps making a connection to your own creative/writing process.”