What key values and beliefs are held by your culture/subculture? -use indian culture

Armstrong: Introduction to marketing Chapter 5: Understanding Consumer and Business Buyer Behavior Read the chapter and answer the following questions:

1 List the four characteristics/factors affecting Consumer Behavior.

2 Define culture, subculture and social class.

3 Culture contains concrete, tangible aspects such as food, clothes, music, and abstract, intangible aspects such as values and beliefs.Use yourself as an example:

1) what’s your culture or subculture? Indian

2) provide some examples of the concrete aspects of your culture/subculture that make it unique:

3) What key values and beliefs are held by your culture/subculture? use indian culture

4 List and briefly define the social factors that influence consume behavior.

5 List the personal factors that influence consume behavior.

Personal factors are relatively stable for each person within a period of time while the psychology of a person is subject to changes. For example, a student may not have a strong motivation to study at the start of a semester but may become strongly motivated after the first test and a bad grade.

6 List the psychological factors that influence consumer behavior.

7 Define attitudes and beliefs.

8. Attitude has three components, cognitive, affective, and behavioral . The three components may not always go in the same direction and thus conflict with each other.Reflect about yourself in terms of environmentalism or food consumption and analyze how the three components play out in your attitude on that issue.

9 List the five steps in Buyer Decision Process

10 Define internal stimuli and external stimuli and use an example to illustrate how they work in need recognition.

11 List and define the sources of information search. Which one is the most effective?

12 List potential situational factors in buyer decision-making.

13 Define cognitive dissonance.

14 Define business buyer behavior. Give two examples of business buyers/buying behavior.

15 List and explain the differences between business markets from consumer markets.