What is the significance of the chapter to your current practice and current trends in teaching and learning?

Read the attached chapter. Write a two-page paper in response to the sections of the chapter. This is a not reports, nor a chapter summary. It is a short, focused, insightful response to the chapter. Specifically, you will be assessed considering thoughtfulness, careful deliberation, and substantive intellectual engagement with ideas of the text, insightful critique, clarity, and generation of important and challenging questions in response to the author’s point of view. While your writing should encompass the following questions, please also refer to the rubrics on Blackboard for article analysis for specific grade weighting. Article analysis assignments must address the following:
What is the significance of the chapter to your current practice and current trends in teaching and learning?
What major perspectives, concepts, issues, theories or realities are reflected in chapter?
What statements, if any, challenged your current perspective? Why?
Which statements were aligned with your current philosophy of education? Why?