​Has the student addressed all the major issues pertaining to this doctrine?

Doctrinal Statement Paper: General Instructions

Students will complete 4 doctrinal statement papers covering the eight major areas of doctrine in the course. Each paper should be 3-4 pages, single spaced and should reflect the personal convictions of the student on the major topics in each area of doctrine. For each paper, students should address each of the assigned topics with a paragraph detailing his/her conviction and defending/supporting the stance taken. In addition to the Bible, students must utilize at least 2 academic-level resources . Students should also support their views throughout the paper with at least 30 references from Scripture. Students should also address opposing views.The following areas will be assessed:

Major Issues Addressed​
​Has the student addressed all the major issues pertaining to this doctrine?

Defense of Position​
​Has the student articulated a position on each point?
​Has the student provided argument in support of each point?

Clarity and Coherence​
​Is the paper coherent as a whole?
​Is the paper logical and well-organized?

Biblical Support​
​Does the student use at least 30 references from Scripture?
​Does the student provide sufficient support for each topic addressed?
​Are the references appropriate for defending each position?

Opposing Views​
​Where applicable, does the student identify opposing viewpoints?
​Are opposing viewpoints articulated fairly and accurately?

Use of Sources​
​Does the student use at least 2 academic-level sources ?
​Are all sources cited correctly and included in a bibliography?