What are the advantages of having several officers search a crime scene? What are the disadvantages?

Assignment 2

This week’s assigment is to answer a series of questions. Your answers should be comprehensive, detailed and written in narrative form. Proper spelling, grammar and punctuation are mandatory. Officers and Detectives write lots of reports and they must be concise and professional with no room for slang, poor spelling and grammar.
1 – What are the advantages of having several officers search a crime scene? What are the disadvantages?
2 – Many court decisions regarding police involve the question of legal searches. What factors are considered in the legal search of a person, a private dwelling, abndoned property, a bussiness, a motor vehicle, etc.?
#3 – Do you think notes should be retained or destroyed after a report has been written and why
#4 – Police officers frequently stop vehicles for traffic violations. Under the PLAIN-VIEW doctrine, what evidence may be taken during such a stop? May the officers search the vehicle? The driver? The occupants? Be detailed in your answers.