What are you among the six position related to religion atheism, skepticism, agnosticism, exclusivism, inclusivism, and pluralismuse ?

Exit essay

Essay on “What is Your Position Concerning Religion?”

a. What are you among the six position related to religion atheism, skepticism, agnosticism, exclusivism, inclusivism, and pluralismuse ?both rational resources and non-rational resources. The former includes academic learnings from various disciplines, such as history, science, and literature, as well as your own philosophical reflection, while the latter refers to your existential and ethical conviction, the state of being convinced, derived from or based on your commitment to the Scripture, submission to or agreement with the authority of the religious tradition, and personal experiences vis-à-vis what may be called the sacred or divine.

This essay will be a culmination of what you have learned through this course. Write in no more than 800 words but no less than 700 words.