Discuss the significance of symbolism or the significance of the journey in “A Worn Path.”

Compose a critical analysis essay on one of the topics below. Create a topic statement and back up your claim with support/evidence from the text. Support should contain clear, specific examples from the story or stories you are analyzing, as well as documentation for all text references. Include at least two quotations from the story in each body paragraph of your essay.


  • Analyze a particular character from one of the stories in this unit. In your essay, you may examine how point-of-view and tone  contribute to the overall development of that character, or you may want to discuss the character’s motivation for his/her actions.
  • Discuss the significance of symbolism or the significance of the journey in “A Worn Path.”

3). Symbolism in any work from Unit 2.

4.) Using any of the works from Unit 2, analyze a chosen theme.


Before beginning your paper, read the “Critically Analyzing Literature” handout; use it as a guide while working on your essay as well. This handout is in the Week 2 Module.

After completing a rough draft of your essay, use the “Reminders for Essay 2” handout to make sure you have followed the guidelines for writing essays about literature. This handout is in Week 8 Module.

Message me in Canvas with any specific questions you have during any stage of the writing process and make an appointment at the Success Center for extra help.