What does Roosevelt mean by the difference between the definition of liberty that has existed in the past and his own “broader definition of liberty?”

The New Deal

Write a 2-3 page paper in which you analyze the primary sources from Chapter 21, “The New Deal, 1932-1940. Analyze your sources by placing them in the historical context of their time period. Discuss what was going on at that time that each source was written. Give examples from the chapter and the power point Discuss what was going on at the time that each source was written. Give examples from the chapter and the power point of what was going on at the time. Discuss how the source is connected to what was happening. Why do you think these sources were written? Be specific in your discussion and choose a quote or two from each source for greater support. Use the questions that Eric Foner includes with each set of sources to help focus your discussion. Chapter 21 sources:

Franklin D. Roosevelt, “Fireside Chat” (1934), and John Steinbeck, “The Harvest Gypsies: On The Road To The Grapes Of Wrath “(1938).

Foner questions for chapter 21:

What does Roosevelt mean by the difference between the definition of liberty that has existed in the past and his own “broader definition of liberty?”
According to Steinbeck, how do Depression era migrant workers differ from those in earlier periods?
Do the migrant workers described by Steinbeck enjoy liberty as Roosevelt understands it?