How the ideas/arguments relate to the working definitions you have developed in the Glossary?

Historical & Philosophical Foundations of Teaching and Learning

Note that even though this is for a Masters of Education program, the language does not need to be convoluted as this is simply coursework for a discussion board; please write in 1st person, be creative, and avoid a “robotic/ overly academic” tone.

A) Read the article “The Case for Philosophical Mindedness”

B) Review the word doc “Glossary”; read over the terms innovation, creativity, teaching and learning.

C) Your written response should comment on each the following prompts, where appropriate:

1. What is the historical context/argument of the article being explored?

2. How does this article address/frame:

a) Innovation;

b) Creativity;

c) Teaching; and

d) Learning?

3. How the ideas/arguments relate to the working definitions you have developed in the Glossary?

4. What questions do you have of the author after having read the article?