Discuss ways that cultural, language and environmental differences of a student might put a student at risk for being labelled as a student with a disability-What are three things that you as a teacher could prevent this from happening.

Responding to different scenarios

Answer each of the four questions below: Word count for each question is indicated below. This includes all text. It excludes the Reference List.

1. In a classroom with 20 students, you have 3 students with significant focus and impulsivity challenges, one who is diagnosed with high functioning Autism, and another who has just this year arrived in Australia with limited English skills. You have an educational assistant in the classroom for 3 hours of each day. Describe at least 3 classroom supports/strategies which you would utilize in order to inclusively support all 20 of the students. You will choose the level of the classroom (primary, upper primary or secondary) and a particular subject area to address such as maths or literacy. Be specific, and make sure your strategies are supported by research (how can you develop some strategies so that all the kids can move ahead together significantly. find a way to incorporate teachers aid)

2. During this semester, we discussed Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction. Discuss the similarities and the differences in the two concepts. Provide at least 2 examples of each, including when each method would be appropriate

3. Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and Response to Intervention (RTI) have similar tiered structures, but used for different types of student support. Describe the structure and purpose of each system, including the theoretical framework of the two systems (compare and contrast. link discussion to theoritical frameworks e.g behavioural, humanistic, bioecological, sociocultural etc)

4. Discuss ways that cultural, language and environmental differences of a student might put a student at risk for being labelled as a student with a disability. What are three things that you as a teacher could prevent this from happening. Justify your answer.