Write a brief paragraph in which you explain what you would like to do for the participatory research component of your final project.


Identify your issue

Write a paragraph in which you explain the issue you will explore in your final essay. What is the contemporary civil rights issue? Why is it a civil rights issue? Why is it important? What will you need to research?Be specific about the topic—do not say, for example, “racism” or “sexism.” The topic has to be specific so you can develop a plan of collective action (method of protest, boycott, etc.) to respond to it much as the civil rights leaders we have studied responded. So a good topic might be the way racism impacts a particular issue within health care or education or the workplace. You could make similarly specific types of arguments about situations at work or school in which you can see sexist justifications for gender discrimination, or nativist justifications for anti-immigrant discrimination, or homophobic justifications for anti-transgender discrimination, or ableist justifications for discrimination against (or failure to provide access to) the differently abled, and so on.Describe how you will confront it

Then,Write a brief paragraph in which you explain what you would like to do for the participatory research component of your final project. Will you interview someone involved or connected to your issue? Begin to participate with an online group, letting them know why you are following? Attend an event or protest, in person or online? Participate in an online discussion (letting them know you are writing an essay)? What are other possibilities? Be as specific as you can.