What kinds of data or information would make a contribution to this issue?

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

The main objective of this assignment is to make recommendations to an external client based on inferential statistics performed on quantitative research data.

Begin by understanding the business problem in each scenario: What is the real issue? What kinds of data or information would make a contribution to this issue? Next, examine the data set and identify which of the techniques we have covered is most appropriate for analyzing this data set. You will need to correctly perform that analytical technique on the data set, together with the basic descriptive statistics required (this step should be very easy if you have followed the pre-work and in-class exercises). The most important part of your assignment will be deriving meaningful conclusions that are relevant to the business issue based on the results of your analysis, and making recommendations to a committee of senior managers using the template provided. The full business briefing and data sets will be provided in class.

You will be graded on your report, however it is a pre-requisite for this assignment that you submit both your own, original excel spreadsheet as well as your management report. Ensure that all submitted work is your own original work.