What supporting evidence, facts, experience, or data is presented to support the main argument?

Troy Duster “Race and Reification in Science”

The main argument of this text is: (Paraphrase as accurately as possible) The most important information in the text is:
What supporting evidence, facts, experience, or data is presented to support the main argument?The key concept(s) we need to understand in the text is/are:
What important ideas does the reader need to understand in order to understand the authors’ line of reasoning? Some key assumption(s) informing the authors’ thinking is/are: What concepts, ideas, and modes of thinking used by the author might be questioned?If we take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications are:
The “so what?” question: Why does this argument matter? Why should we care? What consequencesare likely to follow if people take the authors’ line of reasoning seriously?
What are your reactions to the text?What questions do you have about the text?