What are their career aspirations? Is this where they want to stay? Why or why now?

Human service professional

Professional Interview with a Human Service Worker
Arrange a formal interview (in person or by telephone) with a professional working in the field you are interested in. The person may be in direct services or in an administration position. Familiarize yourself with the work of the organization and the individual before the interview. Prepare a list of questions in advance so you are sure to cover everything you need to. The interview should be written up in a clear 3–5-page narrative paper, along with your conclusions about this job (e.g., did this help clarify your own interests, raise any concerns, bring up any issues you want to think about, or experiences you want to get while you are in school).The writing structure for this assignment should be as follows:
Part 1: background information about the company
Part 2: Narrative i.e., your write up of the question and answer
Part 3: your conclusions What do you think of the company and the interviewees position

The content of the interview should include (but not limited to):
1. What is their job; what does it entail
• Sales Representative for Pepsi Co, To increase sales, sales personnel must effectively communicate the benefits of a company’s products. Sales reps are the point of contact between a company and its prospects or clients, and they are responsible for a variety of tasks such as discovering and educating potential consumers as well as providing information and assistance to existing customers about products and services
2. What are their educational experience qualifications for the job? What jobs did they hold before this one?
• Strong interpersonal and communication skills, as well as a bachelor’s degree in business or similar subjects. Before Pepsi Co,

3. Where are they in the organizational hierarchy?
• Lower level/ Front line manager

4. What do they like/dislike about their job? Most challenging aspects?
• Pepsi Co is an excellent company to work for, however My professional development and career aspirations have been disrupted due to Covid 19.
5. What are their career aspirations? Is this where they want to stay? Why or why now?
• To become district manager for the Columbia Md. territory.

6. Would they recommend this career to others?

• Because Pepsi isn’t just a fad; it’s a household name. It’s global, which means it provides variety, mobility, and the ability to relocate and transfer anyplace, as well as growth and stability. Pepsi is a well-known brand with a long shelf life, which is crucial to me.