Write one paragraph about each of the concepts you chose for a total of 2 paragraphs each time you post.

• Choose two or more concepts that we’ve studied up to that point in this class that you think is most interesting, important, or relevant to you.
• Write one paragraph about each of the concepts you chose for a total of 2 paragraphs each time you post. In each paragraph, give at least one ‘real world’ example and connect it to your real-life (from your own life, experiences, or something you’ve seen first-hand) for each concept that illustrates why this psychological concept is important to understand or why it is relevant to you.
• When writing your Post, identify the course concepts you chose in bold type. When you introduce the concept, define or describe it, according to your book (you will not have to cite your definition or anything in your Discussion Posts or Comments).
• Spell and grammar check your writing (this matters to your grade).

1. Operant Conditioning both positive and negative reinforcement
2. Echoic Sensory Memory