Compare and contrast high-head/low-head hydro systems-What are the basic types of turbines for hydro power?

Renewable Energy Exam 2

1. Geothermal resources are divided into six categories. What are they and analyze them with pros/cons?
2. What is the most common type of geothermal plant? Describe the principle behind Binary geothermal power plant.Carpe Diem“Seize the day, put no trust in the morrow” – Horace In wildness is the preservation of the world.Page 3 of 5
3. What is the principle behind OTEC? Highlight the operational differences between three types of OTEC systems
4. A tidal generating station (barrage design) produces electricity at an efficiency of 40% during the falling tide (only) from a basin that is 20 km2 in area with a tidal range of 10 m. Energy is stored during the rising tide and distributed uniformly in time. What is the average power output? (4 points) –(see pages 408-411)
5. The Pelamis is an excellent device for harvesting wave energy. It is constructed in four hinged
sections and has a total length of 120 m. Discuss the relevance of this geometry and size Carpe Diem!“Seize the day, put no trust in the morrow” – Horace In wildness is the preservation of the world.Page 4 of 5
6. Compare and contrast high-head/low-head hydro systems. What are the basic types of turbines for hydro power? Renewable Energy Exam 2
7. The Hoover Dam has a head of 180 m and a maximum output capacity of 2080 MWe. If the generator efficiency is 90% what is the flow rate in m3/s at maximum capacity? (show the calculations)
8. What is Betz limit? Explain its relevance and factors involved in maximizing wind-turbine’s efficiency Carpe Diem“Seize the day, put no trust in the morrow” – Horace
In wildness is the preservation of the world. –Page 5 of 5
9. Compare and contrast heat engine versus Photovoltaic devices of energy from the sun
10. Evaluate the usefulness of solar heating on the basis of heating requirements for a building Carpe Diem“Seize the day, put no trust in the morrow” – Horace In wildness is the preservation of the world.