What benefits might a company gain from having its shares listed on a stock exchange?

Business Finance. Analytical Report

TASK 1: prepare a cash budget for the three months (details on the instructions other attachments)

2.1 What is Accounting Equation and explain why the accounting equation will always work? Also,provide an example with your explanation.

2.2 What benefits might a company gain from having its shares listed on a stock exchange?

2.3 Who do you think might be considered to be stakeholders in a large listed company like Marks and Spenser?

2.4 Is the profit that a business makes a reliable indicator of its cash balances? What are the differences between Profit and Cash?On the assignment instruction shows as 2500 words, but it is changed to 1750 words. Do the cash budget (excel sheet sent attached to be used) + 1750 words to answer the questions.As the written part is only 1750 I am paying for 2000 words so it covers the task oneĀ  references.