Gives accurate summary of significant data derived from the history and physical examination, Summarizes the key points of the case in a concise manner, listing significant positive or negative findings. 

Case Critical Analysis Paper

Health History

Selects and utilizes a health assessment framework that guides data collection.

Identifies the type of client encounter. ie episodic, etc.  Identifies information from the health history (PMHX/FHX/ROS) relevant to current status and includes findings related to bio/psycho/social/cultural/spiritual and life span domains.  For episodic illness gives complete description and evolution of presenting symptoms/problems. Gives rationale for information that is omitted.

Physical Examination

Relevant findings from the physical examination are presented. Information is focused and proceeds in a systematic manner. Discusses and provides rationale/explanation for any particular modification of physical examination technique according to client’s condition or to other circumstances.

Synthesis of Information

Gives accurate summary of significant data derived from the history and physical examination, Summarizes the key points of the case in a concise manner, listing significant positive or negative findings.  Makes general statement of client health status. Lists client strengths and major risk factors. Provides risk factor analysis based on epidemiology, social, family, occupational, and lifestyle history.  Includes ethical/legal issues, as they relate to the broader determinants of health.  Demonstrates understanding of lifespan development.