Identify a patient who lives with a long term condition, from your own clinical placement area and then.Discuss the pathogenesis of the disease, along with symptoms and complications associated with it.

Assignment title: Case Study – Long Term Condition of a patient

(long term conditions to choose: cancer, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, angina, heart failure, and high blood pressure (hypertension). you can choose any of this conditions- dont forget to write appendix

Assignment brief:
3,500 word written assignment

Identify a patient who lives with a long term condition, from your own clinical placement area and then.Discuss the pathogenesis of the disease, along with symptoms and complications associated with it.

Examine some of the clinical signs of deterioration and appropriate nursing interventions which could be utilised.

Critically discuss the patient/ nurse relationship, discuss a partnership approach to holistic management and explore the barriers to patient self care and self management.

Demonstrate your understanding of current Government policy and how it is implemented at a local and national level.

The assignment is designed to assess your ability to demonstrate understanding of all of the learning outcomes studied during this module so remember to address each of the learning outcomes in your essay.

1. Explain the pathogenesis of commonly encountered health disorders across the lifespan

2. Explore the policy landscape influencing care delivery including international, national and local guidelines.

3. Critically discuss a partnership approach to the holistic management of long term conditions with individuals and their significant others.

4. Recognise and respond appropriately to the signs of deterioration in mental, physical, cognitive and behavioural health across the fields of nursing.

Your essay should consist of:

Introduction (worth 5%)
– this should outline your plan for the essay and briefly introduce your case study (remember to anonymise patient / location information). You can include an appendix with more detail about your case study to save your word count here.