What years, time periods, or in what ‘eras’be specific and define the temporal period you are discussing.

Climate change impact on global economics and politics(2)

• This first paragraph should tell me and your reader, more broadly, why you have chosen your topic. You are basically answering the reader’s, and for the love of God my, skepticism about your topic, with a general, explanatory paragraph about why this topic is important, who this issue might affect, and ultimately, why anyone should care about what you are writing about.
• Stating your Argument Paragraph: Two, Page One
• This paragraph should serve as the first committed statement of your argument, this can go a few ways.
Meaning that maybe you argue that poverty directly contributes to specific acts of terrorism.

Your statement should be clear, and at least at the outset unequivocal. If you are using someone else’s argument this can mean that there is a fair amount of citation here. Meaning that, “According to (Blank, 2003) and (Blanky, 2007) the argument that poverty causes terrorism is convincing, to test this argument I stipulate their original points and will use their work to support my own.”
Page 2: Definitions and Theoretical Specifics (2 Paragraphs)
• Definitions Paragraph One, Page One
• In this paragraph you will define things that need defining for your piece.
Let us say you are claiming that poverty equals terrorism. Herein, you will be relating how you are defining those ideas. Is it absolute poverty? Is it relative poverty? Is it cultural poverty? Etc. Or defining terrorism, always fun since there are many ways to define terrorism. Maybe, this is state terrorism. Maybe, this is non-state actor terrorism. Either way, Make sure these definitions are clear, and if it is the case, make use of others that have defined your ‘variable’, as in (Blank, 2017; Blankety, 2017) argue that terrorism is this, and this is how
• Measurement Page Two, Paragraph Two
• Based on the definitions stated above. Here you will tell your reader how you are measuring these ‘variables’ in your piece.
Maybe, you are measuring poverty using GDP per capita, or PPP. Maybe, you are using acts of terrorism, as in those that target non-military infrastructure.
If this is statistical you make use of economic stats to relate your topic, if it is narrativized, you will provide individual and group level narratives that describe how inequality has affected the people or populations you are describing. Or, maybe it is a marriage of the two. Maybe, you are using narratives and economic data to provide multiple brush strokes that convey how and why the things you are measuring are interacting in the ways you describe.
Page 3-5 Description of your case studies (6-10 Paragraphs)
• Each page should be devoted to one of your case studies.
Terrorist groups (specific names and details)What Acts of terrorism (measured as describe above)Where Specific states, regions, territories, or localities (be very specific) When
What years, time periods, or in what ‘eras’be specific and define the temporal period you are discussing.
This is your evidence entoto it provides an overview of your work and the connections you are making.