What are some of the drawbacks of using the business model canvas? Why? Explain in more detail.

Discussion Board

1. this is a discussion board. answer the following question:

What are some of the drawbacks of using the business model canvas? Why? Explain in more detail. (does not have to be very long answer) its a simple discussion board

2. then give feedback to these two discussion posts. (again doesn’t have to be long feedback just a simple answered feedback)

Business model canvas help support innovation by helping you come up with new ideas that you may have missed when first thinking about the ideal customer and your ideal product. when first starting you may think that you have the perfect idea and that all you need to do is find investors and you’ll be off and become a millionaire. as nice as that sounds it is not that easy and much more goes into starting a business. the business canvas model is used to identify key areas for your market and this will help you as a entrepreneur to define a market and a end customer.

The Business Model Canvas is great tatic for any entreprenuer. The Canvas is best for understanding the true understanding of the business idea. It dives into the in’s-and-out’s of the model of the business and determines what works and what doesn’t. This will allow entreprenuers to understand where their source of income comes from and allow the entreprenuer to think as a consumer.