How well does the answer address the question?;-How good an understanding of the subject is demonstrated?

Advanced management Accounting

Criteria for assessment will include the following:

Content How well does the answer address the question?; How good an
understanding of the subject is demonstrated?; How well are points/arguments
illustrated/clarified/substantiated using specific details/examples/research
evidence?; How deep and thorough is the analysis/evaluation?; How innovative
are the recommendations?

Structure How clear and focused is the executive summary and introduction?; Is there a logical sequence of information, issues and arguments in the report?; How well does the conclusion present the key issues of the subject and link to the
question?; How well is writing communicated in the author’s own words/style?;
How well does the report conform to APA 7th Edition requirements?

Style Is the appropriate formal professional English used?; What is the standard of grammar and punctuation?; Full sentences and paragraphing?; Appropriate font & spacing?; Appropriate written expression?; How easy is it to read and follow