What potential ethical issues will you face and how will you structure your study to eliminate or manage them?

This assignment should have three distinct sections:

I. Introduction & Problem Statement
You’ve been working on your problem statement in other assignments for this class. Using the feedback you’ve received and including the following information, create a final problem statement that fully describes your topic, offers any necessary definitions for understanding your topic, and the research question/problem that is being addressed.

An introduction to the topic: The basics needed to understand the topic, not just by an LIS professional, but by any educated audience throughout different fields and disciplines. You can build on the introduction created for your literature review (attached below).
Definitions: Any terms used in the research that need to be defined and put into the context intended for the final project. This especially includes any concepts you plan to measure, track, or test.
Research Question/Problem: State your research question(s) that are driving your research and the problem that you are addressing with your research.

II. Participants, Sampling, and Recruitment Strategy
Who or what will be the audience of your study? (The who is libraries worldwide) What specific characteristics will you be using to target participants? (see topic for requirements to the implementation of facility maintenance).
What sampling approach will you use? Be sure to describe this in detail and include your recruitment strategy as well.

III. Research design
One of the most important aspects of your research project is how you will tackle answering your research question/solving the research problem. For this part of the assignment, you will need to indicate which method(s) you will use to gather your data, how you will analyze that data

Identify whether you are conducting a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods study and what specific approach you are taking (the type of quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods study).
Which method(s) will you employ in order to gather data?
How is this data going to be analyzed?
Which techniques will you employ in data analysis?
Why are these techniques the most suitable to answer questions regarding your chosen topic and in alignment with your selected research approach?
What potential ethical issues will you face and how will you structure your study to eliminate or manage them?

Be sure to also follow all other aspects of APA 7th edition for a research paper.

Create a coherent narrative for research which matches the topic with the method of research .Apply basic concepts related to research methodology