Choose question below and answer the one your comfortable with
Assignment 1 The task: Write a 2000-word essay For the first 2000-word essay pick one of the following essay titles from section 1 below:
1. Compare and contrast the approach to the concept of race by W.E.B. Du Bois and Stuart Hall.
2. How far do you agree with the arguments made by Wolfe and Mamdani (2020) about the links between colonialism development of modern racial formations?
3. How did the abolition of slavery lead to the racialisation of formerly enslaved peoples? How did this vary in American Brazil?
4. Compare and contrast Said (1978) and McClintock’s (1995) accounts of the role of culture in the project of empire in ti century?
5. How successful were the attempts of the Allies to overcom racial legacy of the Nazi regime after the Second World War
6. Critically assess Frantz Fanon’s analysis of how race and colonialism worked together?