What age did you start working? did you have any difficulty to get the job because of being a woman?

Midterm essay questions:

Women experience different obstacles and barriers in their lives just because of their gender. There are so many challenges that. women face being counted as equal to men today.

1. What’s your name, age, and gender identity? where were you born and where do you live now?

2. How is women’s right in the country you were born?

3. What was your first job? Tell me a short story about your first job and how you got that job.

4. What age did you start working? did you have any difficulty to get the job because of being a woman?

5. was your salary different than men’s?

6. have you ever been under pressure at work because of being women? Tell me a little about it.

7. How did you balance your job with your family life, volunteer work, hobbies, and other interests? Did that balance change over time?

8. Is there anything you wish you had done differently in your career? Are there any job opportunities or careers you would have liked to explore?

9. “Men and women have different abilities, they must do different jobs”, do you believe in that? Why?
10. Some believe that women have so many difficulties balancing work and family life, so they won’t stay focused at work. Is that true?
11. what are the Biggest challenge that holds women back in their social and family life?