What is the difference between a hero in a story and an anti-hero? What are the qualities?

Movie Summary for The Hustler by Robert Rossen (1961)

The basics:

In your review do write about what we discuss in class. Lead character, structure, story and plot. Who the lead character is and what he is trying to accomplish. He will announce this in the first ten minutes of the film.

What are his actions? What are his obstacles? Who is standing in his way? Who is the antagonist? Does the lead character change at the end of the film?

Talk about the metaphor of pool and the pool hall. Why is most of the film indoors? What does the staircase in the pool hall represent? Who are the men watching the game day and night? What does the outside world represent?

What is the spiritual aspect of the film? The underworld. Why is Eddie in a white suit and sometimes a darker one and when and what does it mean? Why does Bert drink milk? Why is Minnesota Fats in an expensive suit? Why is Sarah lame? What does that represent? Why is everyone drinking alcohol and smoking constantly?

Talk about the loneliness in the film.

Talk about the anti-hero. What is the difference between a hero in a story and an anti-hero? What are the qualities?

Does Eddie achieve his goal? At what price? Talk about sacrifice and who sacrifices in the story and what do they sacrifice?

Is this the story of an artist searching for his soul? Is Eddie an artist? What does Sarah represent to him? What does Bert represent to him?

Talk about the acting, the directing, the use of music, locations, places, day and night. Talk about the emotional world of the actors. Talk about the dialogue. How it is delivered.

The critique should be at least 5 and a half pages and it could be as long as you want after that. You can use quotes from other published critiques. Write about the ending What does it mean?