Why did everyone else remain silent? Why did they (or you) treat the strike foam in such a cursory fashion?

Olead 100 Write 3 Page Essay on Calvin Schomburg ( as you) and his role that played on Nasa Shuttle Accident as an engineer and meeting he attended.

Using the material covered in Lesson 11 respond to the following:

This discussion explores the Columbia’s final mission and the subsequent disaster from the perspective of six critical NASA managers and engineers. You have been assigned one of these six roles (Calvin Schomburg). So, each of you come to this Mission Management Team (MMT)meeting with only the information that you were privy to—your particular side of the story. So, Topic 1 is about getting a better understanding of what happened related to the Columbia Space Shuttle leading up to the MMT meeting. What do people know that you may not? Why have certain decisions been made? Why are things happening the way that they are?

Topic 1 is about finding out information about each of the other critical characters impacting the space shuttle mission. There were some critical decisions made during this meeting about the foam strike that occurred at the beginning of the mission, but why were these decisions made?

In Topic 1, you get the chance to describe what you know from the perspective of your assigned role, find out what the other five managers or engineers knew, how they behaved leading up to the meeting, how they behaved during the MMT meeting, and the role these six key characters played in the eventual disaster. So we start with an explanation of the behaviors of six NASA engineers and managers during the MMT meeting.

Primary response to the following questions is to be addressed from either your assigned role as a NASA manager or engineer: At the actual meeting, only Ham and Mc Cormack spoke, Why did everyone else remain silent? Why did they (or you) treat the strike foam in such a cursory fashion? What’s your perspective? Do you have serious concerns about the foam? Why or why not?” Start your response by introducing your character and providing a description of your role.

Ask your peers questions to find out what their assigned character know about what happened to the Columbia Space Shuttle before the MMT meeting. You want to find the critical pieces of information possessed by each assigned character during the mission. You are trying the best that you can to create a complete picture of exactly what happened on the Columbia Space Shuttle mission in terms of the response to the strike foam. The information sought may include the rationale for critical decisions that were made and further probing the assumptions and beliefs by the top managers at NASA that impacted the decisions made. You want to obtain information that is not accessible solely from the perspective of your role.