What difficulties did you encounter?-You certainly need not be thorough in your coding for this exercise, but consider what it would mean to code these responses comprehensively?

Qualitatively Speaking Discussion

Exercise 2 w/ Discussion: Coding Why
Below, on the second page of this handout, you will find responses to the question “What major factors led you into teaching?” which is part of a survey distributed to teachers. Begin to code the answers, identifying categories that would enable you to organize the data. Report briefly on this practice: what categories did you
generate? What difficulties did you encounter? You certainly need not be thorough in your coding for this exercise, but consider what it would mean to code these responses comprehensively. What questions or insights does this short exercise raise for you? What do you learn or what lessons-already-learned does it reiterate?
After you post, comment on at least one other class member’s post. Additional discussion is encouraged.
Discussion 1: Qualitatively Speaking
Write a brief paragraph (150+ words, longer paragraphs are fine but not required) in which you respond to your reading from Weeks 8 & 9. Choose one of the following: 1) Articulate something that you learned, particularly a new insight gained or a connection you made between two or the readings or one reading and your past research experience.

2) Articulate a question that one or more of the readings raised for you regarding qualitative research. You are welcome to utilize recommended readings for this post; however, keep in mind that the class as a whole is not familiar with all of these readings—you likely will need to provide a bit of explanation or background for the group.

Once you have submitted your paragraph, respond to at least two classmates’ posts, either responding to their questions or building on their ideas.