Identify-describe ways the workplace can implement cultural safety to educate and empower staff and make the hospital welcoming to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Assessment task: 1000 words. Read the case study and write four separate,250-word paragraphs with subheadings, to demonstrate your understanding of delivering culturally safe health care.

Paragraph 1
Institutional responsibility:
 Identify and describe ways the workplace can implement cultural safety to educate and empower staff and make the hospital welcoming to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Paragraphs 2 – 4
Individual responsibility:
 Below are four topics relating to delivering culturally safe health care. Think about these in the context of the case study. Choose three from the list and identify and describe ways you can implement these aspects of cultural safety in your place of work.
1.Advocacy – addressing unconscious bias and racism

2.Communication – spoken and unspoken communication

3.Partnerships – culturally appropriate supports and services for patients

4.Colonial narrative – historical impact on contemporary wellbeing