What is the theme of your selected piece of literature? Interpret the theme utilizing various literary areas to prove that your interpretation is not only possible, but also probable.

ASSIGNMENT: What is the theme of your selected piece of literature? Interpret the theme utilizing various literary areas to prove that your interpretation is not only possible, but also probable. Be definitive and confident. Avoid summarizing or paraphrasing the story. Do not retell the plot sequence. That is the BIGGEST mistake.
Tip to being successful For each main point that you make in your body paragraphs, you need to do the following:
a. Make a point or communicate an opinion that is unique and insightful.
b. Use specific words or lines from the text to show what you are talking about.
c. Cite information from one of your sources to establish credibility and/or further the concept
d. Explain how the cited material connects to your main point and why it is important.