What do you do to treat that person in a humane way as a CBT counsellor?

Comparative Theories and Approaches in Counselling

2.2.  if you have a person who is very worry for covid,  the experience to be reavement, perhaps they’ve experienced a relationship breakup and they’re very upset. What do you do to treat that person in a humane way as a CBT counsellor? You can’t just say oh shut up. You know you have to have a degree of empathy. To work around how that person feels, so you might have to modify what you kind of say.  Clearly, if somebody’s lost their loved one, let’s say some poor persons lost their loved one through COVID. Maybe they can’t even go to that loved ones funeral. You’re going to have to treat that in a very sensitive matter, whatever the modality.  you have to work with the person. Also,The problem, of course, is that a lot of them aren’t. here there has to be a question about the nature of training of CBT counsellors. A lot of them are very undertrained and under educated. And as we’ve been mentioning, there are dangers