What does organization do, or sell, or manufacture-what are the service(s) it performs?

Elon Musk

Section I – The Organization (1 to1 ½ pages in length). What does organization do, or sell, or manufacture, or what are the service(s) it performs? What is its mission? Organizations’ goals? When was it founded, brief history, etc.?

Section II – Biography Profile of the CEO (1 to 1 ½ pages in length). How did the CEO about whom you are writing become the CEO or obtained his/her position, and when? Where have they worked previously (the kind of information that they would include on their resumes)? If they have left other organizations, did they say what the reason was? Include some personal facts about him/her, family, etc.

Section III – Analysis of the CEO (5 – 6 pages in length).
How successful or unsuccessful the organization has been under this CEO’s leadership? Cite facts, figures, graphs, etc.
What has been his/her impact on the organization? Document at least one major success (or failure) that can be attributed to this person during his/her tenure. If you discuss a success, why do you think they have been successful based on the material you have studied in this course? If it was not successful, what would you have done differently, based on the material you have studied in Organizational Behavior II?
Based on what you have learned throughout this course, determine what management or leadership style(s) they utilize. What traits does this leader appear to possess?
What behaviors does this leader engage in? How does this leader try to motivate his/her followers? To what extent does this leader allow his/her followers to participate in decision making? Based on the mission of the organization, does their leadership style seem to fit with the organization? Why, or why not? Support this with material you have studied in Organizational Behavior II.

Section IV – Conclusion (1 to 2 concluding paragraphs to tie the paper together).