How would this individual’s leadership style be characterized in terms of the path-goal theory of leadership? Explain.

Leadership of Apple CEO Tim Cook

Using your favorite search engine, conduct research on a well-known leader of a corporation. (Tim Cook). The goal of your research is to answer the following questions about the leader you chose:

Based upon your research, what type of behavioral leadership style does/did the individual practice? Task-oriented, people-oriented, or a combination of the two? Explain.

How would this individual’s leadership style be characterized in terms of the path-goal theory of leadership? Explain.

Would you describe this individual as a transactional or transformational leader? Explain.

In what specific ways do you feel this individual was an effective leader?

In what specific ways do you feel this individual’s leadership could be improved?

This report should be a minimum of 3 full pages (double-spaced – approximately 750 words), excluding header, cover page and/or references, using 12-point font and 1-inch margins.