What outcomes were measured to determine effectiveness of the change in practice?

Research in nursing

Instructions: Our final journal club includes several questions to evaluate your understanding of the research and evidence-based practice concepts learned in the readings/lecture and apply the information to particular scenarios. Answers should be prepared in a Word document As part of this assignment, you may be asked to seek out information online and retrieve a new article (Lemus et al., 2018). Write in your own words.

What problem triggers supported the EBP project? What data did they use to support it?

What institutional stakeholders were involved in the project? What additional stakeholders would you include if this were your project?

What practice change was supported based on the evidence?

What would you hypothesize are examples of “cost” considerations of this practice change (e.g., time, personnel, patient/parent preferences, relationships, staff preferences, physical & emotional factors, finance, communication, inter-department issues, etc.)?

Was it pilot tested? Why is that important? Were any modifications made based on this pilot test?

What outcomes were measured to determine effectiveness of the change in practice? Was the intervention effective based on that outcome?

After reading this article, how does this EBP project differ from a research study report? How is it similar?

There are many strategies to translate new evidence into practice. Typically, a practice setting will have guidelines in place from credible, professional organizations. The actual practice of following guidelines may vary within the practice. Therefore, conducting EBP projects help to improve patient outcomes and improve fidelity with best practice.  Identify an evidence-based guideline that aligns with your systematic review.

Explore the IOWA Model for practice adoption. Using the IOWA algorithm, describe the steps you would use to implement the guideline (with or without modifications from the current Systematic Review) into your practice setting.

Describe in detail how nurses would be involved in the conceptualization, data collection, analysis and reporting.