Discuss how an outbreak of the selected disease would impact your community at a systems level


B. Describe the outbreak of the disease TUBERCULOSIS
• name of the disease
• the countries involved
• the date the outbreak was discovered
• the dates the disease reached each involved country
1. Analyze the epidemiological determinants and risk factors associated with the outbreak.Accurate identification of the epidemilogical determinants of a specific disease outbreak along with the identification of the risk factors along with a logical discussion of how each epidemiological determainants and risk factors are associated with the specific outbreak identified

2. Discuss the route of transmission of the selected disease. logical discussion that describes the methods, determining factors, environments, and/or hosts required as part of this disease’s route of transmission.

3. Discuss how an outbreak of the selected disease would impact your community at a systems level (e.g., the functioning of schools, local government, businesses, hospitals).

4. Explain what the reporting protocol would be if an outbreak of the selected disease were to occur in your community. A logical description of the steps, actions, or processes that make up the reporting protocol for the community, along with an explanation of how a community reporting protocol would be used if an outbreak of tuberculosis were to occur in the community

5. Discuss two strategies (e.g., patient education strategies, community education strategies) that you would recommend to prevent an outbreak of the selected disease in your community.