What kind of sample was used and why-What kind of methods were used to collect the data?

Role of e Health application Oncokompas in supporting self-management of symptoms and health-related quality of life in cancer survivors: a randomized, controlled trial

For this question you must use the library’s academic databases to find a very recent (2020 – 2021) study published in a peer reviewed academic journal.

There are two parts to the discussion question.First, provide a full summary of the article. What was the research question asked? What kind of sample was used and why? What kind of methods were used to collect the data? What were the research findings? Do not cut/paste the information from the article – provide the summary in your own words.Second, imagine this article was going to be a featured news story. Write a 350 word summary geared for the general public. Explain the study, findings, why the study’s findings should be taken seriously, and overall importance of the study.