What kinds of psychological, emotional, and spiritual support would you need if given a similar diagnosis?

Case Studies and Cultures

Read the following two Case Studies and answer the questions presented below.
1. Case Scenario: Mrs. Garcia is located in Chapter 6 on page 112.
• Where are you on the Cultural Competency Staircase regarding this patient’s language and culture? How will you progress to the next level? (Review Chapter 1 and the Staircase Model).2-3
• What knowledge do you need to have about this patient, including cultural/language needs, to provide this patient with culturally sensitive care? Beliefs about Religion, Healthcare and Healthcare professionals.
• What would you personally do to address the needs of this patient? do speak Spanish and would have no problem explaining what is happening to the patient and offering comfort and support.
• What resources do you need, and how would you obtain them? Ensure and translator and communication between staff and daughter.
• What cultural assessment model would you plan to use to assess this patient? Not Sure Yet
2. Case Scenario 1: Ms. Vera Talsford located in Chapter 7 page 131

• Have you considered the significance of your death? Yes
• Do you believe in life after death? NO
• Where are you on the Cultural Competency Staircase when caring for patients who are terminally ill? How will you progress to the next level?
• How comfortable are you caring for this patient and discussing issues related to her and her family’s death and dying process? Extremely Comfortable
• What cultural information about the patient will you need to obtain culturally sensitive care during the EOL? Not sure yet
• What kinds of psychological, emotional, and spiritual support would you need if given a similar diagnosis? Case Studies and Cultures