What is the implication, consequence,-strategy that needs to be taken to act legally and ethically?

Ethics Presentation

You are expected to create a presentation on the topic for the class:

What are the ethical issues embedded in the scenario?
What is your stance for or against the issue; elaborate on why you have taken this stance with evidence citations from litigation, ethical theories, and/or principles and standards.
What is the implication, consequence, or strategy that needs to be taken to act legally and ethically?

Ask a discussion question that leads to discourse among your peers.
Naturally, one will argue for and another against the resolution.You are expected to create a presentation on the topic for the class, and lead a discussion of the topic in the discussion area. Of course, remember that the discussion of the particular issue should be related to its impact on individuals with disabilities. Look in Discussions for the area you need to post your presentation and leave a leading inquiry questions for your peers to react and have discourse on.